Scopri come la simulazione multifisica viene utilizzata per ricerca e sviluppo
In questa sezione troverete i lavori presentati alle Conferenze mondiali COMSOL. Le presentazioni descrivono ricerche e prodotti innovativi progettati con COMSOL Multiphysics da colleghi di tutto il mondo. I temi delle ricerche presentate abbracciano un'ampia gamma di settori produttivi e aree applicative, in ambito elettrico, meccanico, fluidodinamico e chimico. Lo strumento di Ricerca Rapida vi permetterà di trovare le presentazioni che si riferiscono all'area di vostro interesse.
Visualizza gli articoli presentati alla COMSOL Conference 2020
Recently a lot of research efforts have been focused on using plasmonics and nanophotonic structures for enhancing emission processes ranging from lasing to single-photon generation. The design of such structures heavily relies on the insight obtained from numerical simulations. In this ... Per saperne di più
In electric distribution network, current and voltage measurement for metering, monitoring, and protection & control applications is done via instrument transformers (current and voltage transformers). These measurement devices are deployed during the construction phase of the ... Per saperne di più
Daily application of a low intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) regimen has been shown to have positive effects on bone fracture healing. Although LIPUS treatment can induce cellular responses supporting bone repair, the underlying mechanisms are not well understood. Further in vitro ... Per saperne di più
Safe preservation of mammalian cells for long term is essential for medical and pharmaceutical industries. Cryopreservation by conventional slow freezing and by vitrification below freezing temperatures are the most effective biopreservation methods compared to in vitro culture at ... Per saperne di più
The Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) is developing a deep geological repository as part of Adaptive Phased Management (APM), Canada’s plan for the long-term management of used nuclear fuel. The repository is a multiple barrier system to protect people and the environment. To ... Per saperne di più
Pyrometallurgical furnaces are used to produce metals such as copper, nickel and platinum by the smelting process. During smelting, the undesired material components are separated from the desired metal resulting in the formation of a slag and matte/metal phase. The slag phase ... Per saperne di più
This paper explores the performance of a microfluidic mixer that uses a sinusoidal electric field to accelerate the diffusion process between two Newtonian liquid species in an electrolytic solution. The 2D model was developed using the Microfluidics module in the COMSOL Multiphysics® ... Per saperne di più
The equatorial region of Titan, the largest satellite of Saturn, has extensive expanses of aeolian dunes revealed in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images and suggested to be composed of organics or organic-coated water ice. The dunes are among the youngest surface features and appear to ... Per saperne di più
A threshold voltage shift of CdS Thin Film Transistor is studied using the COMSOL Multiphysics® software's Semiconductor Module. Drift-diffusion (DD) simulation model is used in which the basic equations used are similar to those used for a single-crystal device except that traps and ... Per saperne di più
Microstructure evolution simulations using the kinetic Monte Carlo algorithm and the phase field method are routinely used to model and simulate sintering and densification of ceramic and metallic materials. Understanding evolution of microstructural features is important as these are ... Per saperne di più