Scopri come la simulazione multifisica viene utilizzata per ricerca e sviluppo
In questa sezione troverete i lavori presentati alle Conferenze mondiali COMSOL. Le presentazioni descrivono ricerche e prodotti innovativi progettati con COMSOL Multiphysics da colleghi di tutto il mondo. I temi delle ricerche presentate abbracciano un'ampia gamma di settori produttivi e aree applicative, in ambito elettrico, meccanico, fluidodinamico e chimico. Lo strumento di Ricerca Rapida vi permetterà di trovare le presentazioni che si riferiscono all'area di vostro interesse.
Visualizza gli articoli presentati alla COMSOL Conference 2020
Materials based H2 storage systems for light duty vehicles need to meet challenging performance targets that have been developed by the FreedomCAR and Fuel Partnership. On-board reversible metal hydrides are typically integrated with heat transfer surfaces, e.g. in fin and tube heat ... Per saperne di più
Air-conditioning produced by traditional vapor compression cycle is an energy demanding operation. By using passive cooling methods is it possible to avoid, or at least reduce, the need for vapor compression cooling. A passive radiative cooling method could be a three windowed skylight, ... Per saperne di più
Campi Flegrei caldera is a good example of the most explosive volcanism on the Earth, a potential source of global catastrophes. It has the advantage that the most interesting structural details and main volcanic features appear located at shallower depth, making it a natural candidate ... Per saperne di più
In this work the influence of the geometry of the Vickers indenter tip on relevant indentation properties is investigated during instrumented indentation operated in the macro range (i.e. with forces ranging from 2 to 200 N) and carried out in the case of a homogenized (i.e. heat ... Per saperne di più
Although we know the physics inside a media where the sound waves propagate, determination of material\'s or structure\'s sound reduction index is not an easy task. The lack of good engineering solutions proves the point. The only reliable way to calculate the sound reduction index is ... Per saperne di più
Pranay Goel received his B. Tech. in Engineering Physics from IIT Bombay, and MS and PhD in Physics from the University of Pittsburgh in 2003. He went on to two postodoctoral positions, the first at the Mathematical Biosciences Institute, The Ohio State University, and another at the ... Per saperne di più
Ultrafast optical generation of pseudosurface acoustic waves is investigated in hypersonic surface phononic crystals. The thermomechanics is modeled from first-principles to follow the initial impulsive heat-driven displacement in the time domain. Spectral decomposition of the ... Per saperne di più
The magnetic field gradient produced by an electromagnet gripper head depends on its design. Stochastic Methods offer certain robustness to the design optimization process. In this paper, Improved Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization (IDPSO) searching technique is applied to the shape ... Per saperne di più
Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) has been selected as a means of treating calcined high level waste (HLW). The process combines high temperature and pressure to densify the HLW in to a mineral similar to the geologic formulation of granite. This study uses COMSOL to predict densification ... Per saperne di più
This paper concerns the problem of obtaining proper acoustic attenuation performance through computations. COMSOL was used to solve acoustics systems with helicoidal resonators in the frequency domain. Based on the studies of insertion and transmission loss of helicoidal resonators, a ... Per saperne di più