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COMSOL Multiphysics®
AC/DC Module
Acoustics Module
Battery Design Module
Composite Materials Module
Corrosion Module
Electric Discharge Module
Electrochemistry Module
Electrodeposition Module
Heat Transfer Module
MEMS Module
Multibody Dynamics Module
Particle Tracing Module
Plasma Module
RF Module
Ray Optics Module
Semiconductor Module
Structural Mechanics Module
Select any check box to highlight individual products:
Physics Interfaces and Study Types
ExpandCharged Particle Tracing
ExpandElectric Currents in (Layered) Shells
ExpandElectric Currents with Current Conservation
ExpandElectric Currents, Single Layer Shell
ExpandElectrical Circuit
ExpandElectrostatics with Charge Conservation
ExpandElectrostatics, Boundary Elements
ExpandMagnetic and Electric Fields
ExpandMagnetic Field Formulation
ExpandMagnetic Fields
ExpandMagnetic Fields, Currents Only
ExpandMagnetic Fields, No Currents
ExpandMagnetic Fields, No Currents, Boundary Elements
ExpandMagnetic Machinery, Rotating, Time Periodic
ExpandRotating Machinery in 2D and 3D, Magnetic
Boundary Conditions
Contact Impedance
Dielectric Shielding
Distributed Capacitance
Distributed Impedance
Distributed Resistance
Electric Shielding
Electrical Contact
Layered Transition Boundary Condition
Lumped Port
Periodic Boundary Condition
Periodic Pair
Sector Symmetry
Surface Charge Accumulation
Surface Impedance
Symmetry Plane
Thin Low Permeability Gap
Transition Boundary Condition
ExpandCoil Excitation in 2D, Axisymmetry, and 3D
ExpandFloating Potential
ExpandFundamental Magnetic Boundary Conditions
ExpandFundamental Voltage and Current Boundary Conditions
ExpandMagnetic Shielding
Edge and Point Conditions
Edge Floating Potential (cylindrical electrodes)
Edge Potential and Ground (cylindrical electrodes)
Edge Terminal (cylindrical electrodes)
Edge/Line and Point Currents and Charges
Electric Point Dipole
Magnetic Point Dipole
Electrical Circuit
Battery Open Circuit Voltage
Export of SPICE Netlist
Import of SPICE Netlist
Linear Passive Circuit Element
Nonlinear & Active Circuit Element
Resistor-Capacitor Couple
Voltage and Current Source
Lumped Parameters
S, Y and Z parameter conversions
Touchstone File Export
ExpandCapacitance, Impedance and Admittance Matrix Calculation
ExpandInductance Matrix Calculation
ExpandS-Parameter Matrix Calculation
Material Library
ExpandNonlinear Magnetic
Part Libraries
Homogenized Multiturn Coils
Magnetic Cores
Single Conductor Coils
Particle Tracing
ExpandBoundary Conditions
ExpandParticle Properties and Forces
ExpandParticle Release
Predefined Multiphysics Couplings
ExpandBoundary Electric Potential Coupling (FEM/BEM)
ExpandBoundary Magnetic Potential Coupling (FEM/BEM)
ExpandMagnetic Forces, Rotating Machinery2
Predefined Multiphysics Interfaces
ExpandElectromechanics, Boundary Elements4
ExpandElectromechanics, Solid4
ExpandInduction Heating
ExpandJoule Heating
ExpandJoule Heating and Thermal Expansion
ExpandMagnetic-Rigid Body Interaction in Rotating Machinery1
ExpandMagnetic–Elastic Interaction in Rotating Machinery1
ExpandMagnetohydrodynamics (2D In-Plane Currents, 3D)
ExpandMagnetohydrodynamics (2D Out-of-Plane Currents)
ExpandMagnetomechanics, No Currents3
ExpandNonlinear Magnetostriction3
ExpandParticle Field Interaction, Non-Relativistic
ExpandParticle Field Interaction, Relativistic1
ExpandPiezoelectricity, Layered Shell
ExpandPiezoresistivity, Boundary Currents
ExpandPiezoresistivity, Domain Currents
ExpandPiezoresistivity, Shell1
Results and Visualization
2D Histogram
Intersection Point 2D (data set)
Intersection Point 3D (data set)
Particle (data set)
Particle (plot)
Particle Bin (data set)
Particle Evaluation
Particle Trajectories
Phase Portrait
Poincaré Map
ExpandSmith (plot)
Volumetric Domain Properties
1D, 2D, Axisymmetric, and 3D Formulations
Arkkio Torque Calculation
Charge Conservation, Ferroelectric5
Debye Dispersion Models for Dielectrics
Electric Force and Torque
Electric Infinite Domain Modeling with Infinite Elements
Electromagnetic Force and Torque
Gauge Fixing for the Magnetic Vector Potential
Loss Calculation (Steinmetz, Bertotti)
Magnetic Infinite Domain Modeling with Infinite Elements
Prescribed Rotation
Prescribed Rotational Velocity
Reduced Field Formulation for Magnetic Fields
RLC Coil Group in 2D and Axisymmetry
Space Charge Density
ExpandCharge Conservation
ExpandCharge Conservation, Piezoelectric
ExpandCoil Excitation in 2D, Axisymmetry, and 3D
ExpandCurrent Conservation
Constitutive Relations
Anisotropic Materials
B-H Curve
Constitutive Relationships for Magnetic Fields, 3D
Effective Media and Mixture Materials
Electric Conductivity
Fundamental Constitutive Relations
Linearized Resistivity
Lorentz Velocity, 3D
Lorentz Velocity. 2D
Magnetic Losses
Nonlinear Permanent Magnet
Relative Permeability
Relative Permittivity
Remanent Displacement
Remanent Flux Density
Vector Hysteresis, Jiles-Atherton Model
  1. Requires all indicated products
  2. Requires the AC/DC Module with either the Structural Mechanics Module, or the Multibody Dynamics Module
  3. Requires the AC/DC Module with either the Structural Mechanics Module, the MEMS Module, or the Acoustics Module
  4. Requires the MEMS Module or, alternatively, the AC/DC Module together with the Structural Mechanics Module
  5. Requires the MEMS Module or, alternatively, the AC/DC Module with either the Structural Mechanics Module, or the Acoustics Module