In conformità con la nostra Quality Policy, COMSOL ha pubblicato una libreria con centinaia di esempi di modelli documentati che vengono regolarmente testati rispetto all'ultima versione del software COMSOL Multiphysics®, compresi i problemi di benchmark di ASME e NAFEMS, così come TEAM problems.
I nostri test di verifica e validazione (V&V) forniscono soluzioni sempre accurate che vengono confrontate con i risultati analitici e i dati di riferimento stabiliti. I modelli documentati qui sotto fanno parte delle Application Library integrate nel software COMSOL Multiphysics®. Includono inoltre valori di riferimento e fonti per un'ampia gamma di benchmark, così come istruzioni passo-passo per riprodurre i risultati sul proprio computer. Questi modelli possono essere usati non solo per documentare l'impegno nella garanzia di qualità del software (SQA) e nella verifica del codice numerico (NCV), ma anche come parte di un programma di formazione interno.
A common verification problem for geotechnical problems is a shallow stratum layer of clay. In this example a vertical load is applied on the clay strata and the static response and the collapse load are studied. The clay is modeled as an elastic-perfectly plastic material and the ... Per saperne di più
This example reproduces a NAFEMS benchmark in which a plate with an angle crack is subjected to tensile loading. The J-integral is calculated and the stress intensity factors for Mode I and Mode II are compared to the benchmark results for several crack angles. Per saperne di più
In this model a Knowles ED23146 receiver (miniature loudspeaker) is connected to a test set-up consisting of a 50 mm (1 mm diameter) earmold tube and a so-called 0.4-cc coupler. The receiver is modeled using a lumped spice network and connected to the finite element domain at the tube ... Per saperne di più
This model simulates the isotropic compression of naturally structured and artificially structured clays using the Modified Structured Cam-Clay (MSCC) material model. The aim of the example is to reproduce the compression behavior given in a benchmark for four structured clays. Per saperne di più
In this benchmark example, a semi-elliptical crack at the inner surface of a cylinder is studied. The inside of the cylinder and the crack faces are subjected to a pressure load. The J-integral is calculated along the crack front, and the stress intensity factor is then compared with the ... Per saperne di più
Many piezoelectric materials are ferroelectric. Ferroelectric materials exhibit nonlinear polarization behavior, such as hysteresis and saturation at large applied electric fields. In addition, the polarization and mechanical deformations in such materials can be strongly coupled due to ... Per saperne di più
This example benchmarks a NAFEMS validation model of a friction contact problem with an elastoplastic material model. A thin metal sheet is forced into a die by a punch. Both the compressing displacement and the release of the punch are modeled in order to compute the forming angle (at ... Per saperne di più
An axisymmetric model of a rigid piston in an infinite baffle is used to exemplify the Exterior Field Calculation feature of the Acoustics Module. The radiation results provided by the COMSOL Multiphysics® software are compared to analytical results for the on-axis radiation ... Per saperne di più
This tutorial model demonstrates how to set up a parameter estimation study for fitting the material parameters of an Ogden hyperelastic model to experimental data. The procedure considers multiple load cases under large deformations, which is often necessary to obtain constitutive ... Per saperne di più
The Bessel panel is a way to arrange a number of loudspeakers so that the angular sound distribution resembles that of a single speaker. This model combines five Bessel panels in the same pattern to approximate a purely radial sound field. The speakers are driven with different ... Per saperne di più