In conformità con la nostra Quality Policy, COMSOL ha pubblicato una libreria con centinaia di esempi di modelli documentati che vengono regolarmente testati rispetto all'ultima versione del software COMSOL Multiphysics®, compresi i problemi di benchmark di ASME e NAFEMS, così come TEAM problems.
I nostri test di verifica e validazione (V&V) forniscono soluzioni sempre accurate che vengono confrontate con i risultati analitici e i dati di riferimento stabiliti. I modelli documentati qui sotto fanno parte delle Application Library integrate nel software COMSOL Multiphysics®. Includono inoltre valori di riferimento e fonti per un'ampia gamma di benchmark, così come istruzioni passo-passo per riprodurre i risultati sul proprio computer. Questi modelli possono essere usati non solo per documentare l'impegno nella garanzia di qualità del software (SQA) e nella verifica del codice numerico (NCV), ma anche come parte di un programma di formazione interno.
Experiments on dry and wet soil samples are performed to understand their behavior under different loading conditions. In this example, the Extended Barcelona Basic (BBMx) soil model is used to simulate the wetting and drying paths in partially saturated soil samples under cyclic ... Per saperne di più
In this example, the micromechanical properties of a piezoelectric fiber composite are studied. The homogenized electromechanical properties of the composite are derived from the individual microscopic properties of matrix and fiber. Per saperne di più
The fabrication of a cup through powder compaction is simulated in this tutorial model. The powder compaction process is becoming common in the manufacturing industry, due to its potential for producing components of complex shape and high strength. Combining the Fleck–Kuhn–McMeeking ... Per saperne di più
Laminated shells made of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CRFP) are common in a large variety of applications due to their high strength-to-weight ratio. The widespread attention to laminated shells is due to their diverse applications in aerospace, marine, automotive, and various ... Per saperne di più
This benchmark studies the nonlinear deformation of a spherical cap subjected to point load at center using 2D axisymmetric Solid Mechanics and Shell interfaces. The results from the Shell interface are compared with Solid Mechanics interface as well as with analytical results given in ... Per saperne di più
Isotropic compression is a common material test in soil mechanics. The modified Cam-Clay (MCC) model describes the relation between the void ratio and the logarithm of the pressure. In this example, a cylindrical soil sample under isotropic compression is simulated. It is verified that, ... Per saperne di più
Whenever dimensions in waveguides become small compared to the viscous and thermal boundary layers it is necessary to model acoustics using thermoacoustics. In the present model the thermoacoustic wave field in a shallow uniform waveguide is modeled and compared to an analytical solution. Per saperne di più
Due to the demand for larger power with a smaller size, dual-shaft systems with intershaft bearings are becoming a standard configuration for gas turbine engines. Such systems consist of two coaxial rotors running at different speeds, interlinked through a multi-spool bearing. In this ... Per saperne di più
Squeeze film dampers are components that provide additional damping to rotating machines. To simplify the modeling of a rotor assembly, squeeze film dampers are modeled in terms of their damping coefficients which are a functions of the journal location in the damper. This model computes ... Per saperne di più
This model demonstrates alternative implementations used for describing a thin layer and the impact of the choice on the continuity of the displacement and stress fields. It is shown how a perfect interface can be obtained by asymptotically changing the material parameters. Per saperne di più