In conformità con la nostra Quality Policy, COMSOL ha pubblicato una libreria con centinaia di esempi di modelli documentati che vengono regolarmente testati rispetto all'ultima versione del software COMSOL Multiphysics®, compresi i problemi di benchmark di ASME e NAFEMS, così come TEAM problems.
I nostri test di verifica e validazione (V&V) forniscono soluzioni sempre accurate che vengono confrontate con i risultati analitici e i dati di riferimento stabiliti. I modelli documentati qui sotto fanno parte delle Application Library integrate nel software COMSOL Multiphysics®. Includono inoltre valori di riferimento e fonti per un'ampia gamma di benchmark, così come istruzioni passo-passo per riprodurre i risultati sul proprio computer. Questi modelli possono essere usati non solo per documentare l'impegno nella garanzia di qualità del software (SQA) e nella verifica del codice numerico (NCV), ma anche come parte di un programma di formazione interno.
A plane electromagnetic wave propagating through free space is incident at an angle upon an infinite dielectric medium. This model computes the reflection and transmission coefficients and compares to the Fresnel equations. Per saperne di più
Simulation of Maxwell’s equations in the time domain is useful if the objective of the analysis is to observe a transient phenomenon, to find the time it takes a signal to propagate, or if the materials being modeled are non-linear with respect to the electric or magnetic field strength. ... Per saperne di più
Electrochemical supercapacitors feature relatively higher energy densities than conventional capacitors. With several advantages, such as fast charging, long charge–discharge cycles, and broad operating temperature ranges, electrochemical supercapacitors have found wide applications in ... Per saperne di più
This model shows how to use the scattered field formulation to compute the transmission coefficient for impinging P and S plane elastic waves onto a finite size phononic crystal. The transmission tends to zero in the frequency range corresponding to P- and S-wave band gaps, as ... Per saperne di più
This benchmark model computes the transient pressure distribution and film height in a squeeze film bearing for lubrication in a nonconformal conjunction of a solid sphere and an elastic wall separated by a lubricant film. This model solves the benchmark case of hydrodynamic interaction ... Per saperne di più
This example demonstrates how to set up the classical external-flow problem of solving for the high-speed, compressible, turbulent flow over the ONERA-M6 wing. The problem involves finding a steady-state solution of the flow field around the 3D, swept wing geometry, immersed in a ... Per saperne di più
Micromirrors are used in certain MEMS devices to control optic elements. This model of a vibrating micromirror surrounded by air uses the Thermoacoustic-Shell Interaction user interface to model the fluid-solid interaction, and it thus includes the correct viscous and thermal damping of ... Per saperne di più
This model demonstrates the inflation of a rubber balloon with four different hyperelastic material models. The results are compared with the analytical solution for a thin-walled, spherical vessel. Controlling the inflation of hyperelastic balloons is important in clinical ... Per saperne di più
In this example, triaxial and oedometer tests are simulated using the Modified Cam-Clay material model. A nonlinear stress-strain relation is recovered with the constant Poisson's ratio formulation. The hardening and softening behavior is recovered for normally consolidated and highly ... Per saperne di più
This model represents a test case of a flow in an elastic tube which is present in several applications. This specific case models viscoelastic flow and represents steady flow in a channel in which part of the upper wall is replaced by an elastic plate subjected to an external pressure. ... Per saperne di più