In conformità con la nostra Quality Policy, COMSOL ha pubblicato una libreria con centinaia di esempi di modelli documentati che vengono regolarmente testati rispetto all'ultima versione del software COMSOL Multiphysics®, compresi i problemi di benchmark di ASME e NAFEMS, così come TEAM problems.
I nostri test di verifica e validazione (V&V) forniscono soluzioni sempre accurate che vengono confrontate con i risultati analitici e i dati di riferimento stabiliti. I modelli documentati qui sotto fanno parte delle Application Library integrate nel software COMSOL Multiphysics®. Includono inoltre valori di riferimento e fonti per un'ampia gamma di benchmark, così come istruzioni passo-passo per riprodurre i risultati sul proprio computer. Questi modelli possono essere usati non solo per documentare l'impegno nella garanzia di qualità del software (SQA) e nella verifica del codice numerico (NCV), ma anche come parte di un programma di formazione interno.
This example describes the cooling and solidification, from melt to solid metal, in a continuous casting process. The model includes nonisothermal properties, temperature distribution, flow field, and phase change. This example uses the arbritrary Lagrangian-Eulerian method for modeling ... Per saperne di più
The standard biventricular cardiac model is used to show how to set up fiber directions in a complex geometry. The fibers are then used to model the large deformation of the myocardium with the Holzapfel-Gasser-Ogden anisotropic material model. The Aliev-Panfilov equations are included ... Per saperne di più
This verification model of nonisothermal laminar flow through a circular tube compares the heat transfer coefficient obtained from simulation with theoretical values based on Nusselt number correlation functions that can be found in the literature. Per saperne di più
The classical forward problem of geoelectrics (includes electrical resistivity tomography, ERT and earlier techniques as vertical electric sounding, VES) is the calculation of potentials at a given set of electrodes (M,N) while current is injected at other electrodes (A,B) into the ... Per saperne di più
The present example simulates the turbulent flow over a 3D hill geometry using the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) interface with synthetic turbulence at the inlet boundary. Per saperne di più
In this example, a settlement and heave analysis of a shallow foundation resting on an unsaturated soil stratum is conducted with the Modified Cam-Clay and Extended Barcelona Basic soil models. The effect of pore suction due to movements in the phreatic line and the resulting settlement ... Per saperne di più
This model example shows how to model nonlinear propagation of 1D finite-amplitude Acoustic waves in fluids using Acoustics Module of COMSOL Multiphysics. The model is based on the 2nd order Westervelt equation. The one dimensional nonlinear wave equation is solved in the time domain by ... Per saperne di più
In this benchmark model, solid particles are released in a fully developed turbulent channel flow. The particles are subjected to a drag force that includes contributions from the fluid turbulence, implemented using a Continuous Random Walk (CRW) model. Because the turbulence in the ... Per saperne di più
This model investigates the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC) reference cell in two dimensions using the Plasma, Time Periodic interface. A 2D example helps in understanding the physics without excessive CPU time. The cell is ... Per saperne di più
This example shows the behavior of the coupled damage-plasticity material model for concrete when subjected to different loading conditions. Per saperne di più