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In this model, the effect of corrosion product on galvanic corrosion between a magnesium alloy (AE44) and mild steel in contact with brine solution is presented, wherein deformed boundaries due to both deposition of corrosion product as well as dissolution of magnesium are considered. ... Per saperne di più
Steel structures immersed in seawater can be protected from corrosion through cathodic protection. This protection can be achieved by an impressed external current or by using sacrificial anodes. The use of sacrificial anodes is often preferred due to its simplicity. This example models ... Per saperne di più
Galvanic corrosion between two different phases (alpha and beta phases) in a metallic (magnesium) alloy is simulated for a representative cross-sectional microstructure configuration. A key feature in the model formulation is the implementation of both anodic and cathodic regions at ... Per saperne di più
Oxide jacking is the process by which reinforced concrete cracks, due to the corrosion of the reinforcing rebar rods. The corrosion process causes growth of an oxide layer on the rebar, which in turn causes internal stresses in the concrete. If the corrosion process is allowed to ... Per saperne di più
This model simulates atmospheric galvanic corrosion of a busbar, which includes a copper flange, an aluminum alloy flange in contact with a zinc nut and bolt. The Secondary Current Distribution interface is used to solve for the electric potential in electrode domain and Current ... Per saperne di più
This example models galvanic corrosion between two different phases in a magnesium alloy for a representative cross-sectional microstructure configuration. The Phase Field interface is used here to model dissolution of a constituent phase leading to topological changes. The electrode ... Per saperne di più
This model simulates atmospheric galvanic corrosion of an aluminum alloy in contact with steel. The electrolyte film thickness depends on the relative humidity of the surrounding air and the salt load density of NaCl crystals on the metal surface. Empirical expressions for the oxygen ... Per saperne di più
An Evans droplet experiment is a century-old corrosion experiment for demonstrating oxygen transport-limited corrosion. A droplet of water is placed on a metal surface, and over time the surface features differences in the radial direction of the surface in terms of amount of corroded ... Per saperne di più
This example models cathodic protection of a steel reinforcing bar in concrete. Three different electrochemical reactions are considered on the steel surface. Charge and oxygen transport are modeled in the concrete domain, where the electrolyte conductivity and oxygen diffusivity depend ... Per saperne di più
Impressed current cathodic protection is a commonly employed strategy to mitigate the ship hull corrosion where an external current is applied to the hull surface, polarizing it to a lower potential. In this model, the effect of propeller coating on the current demand is demonstrated. Per saperne di più