La Galleria delle Applicazioni raccoglie un'ampia varietà di tutorial e di app dimostrative realizzati con COMSOL Multiphysics in diversi ambiti applicativi, inclusi quelli elettrico, meccanico, fluidico e chimico. E' possibile scaricare i file dei modelli e delle app demo pronti all'uso e le istruzioni step-by-step per costruirli, e utilizzarli come punto di partenza per le proprie simulazioni.
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In a diode or a transistor, when a p-n junction is reverse-biased (the p-side is connected to a lower potential than the n-side), ideally, no current should flow. However, due to minority carriers (electrons in the p-side and holes in the n-side), a small current, known as the reverse ... Per saperne di più
This model investigates the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC) reference cell in two dimensions using the Plasma, Time Periodic interface. A 2D example helps in understanding the physics without excessive CPU time. The cell is ... Per saperne di più
The contact impedance boundary condition is meant to approximate a thin layer of material that impedes the flow of current normal to the boundary, but does not introduce any additional conduction path tangential to the boundary. This example compares the contact impedance boundary ... Per saperne di più
This benchmark example builds two models of a cross-bridge Kelvin resistor used for extracting the specific contact resistivity. The first model simulates the system in 3D, using the contact resistance feature built in the Semiconductor interface. The other model is a 2D approximation of ... Per saperne di più
This tutorial model of a two-hot-arm thermal actuator couples three different physics phenomena: electric current conduction, heat conduction with heat generation, and structural stresses and strains due to thermal expansion. The model exists in three versions: Joule Heating of a ... Per saperne di più
This model simulates an LED that emits in the infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The device structure is made up of a single p-n junction formed by a layer of p-type doping near the top surface of an otherwise n-type wafer. This kind of device geometry is simple and cheap to ... Per saperne di più
The common electroanalytical method of exhaustive amperometric detection in a microscopic thin layer is modelled as a 1D-symmetric diffusion problem. The simulated result agrees with the analytical Cottrell equation at short times, and deviates as expected at long times when the ... Per saperne di più
Pitting corrosion is a type of localized corrosion by which local cavities, pits, are formed on an initially smooth metal surface. A pit may be initialized by surface defects, such as an inhomogeneities in composition or shape, or mechanical abuse resulting in a small scratch or dent. ... Per saperne di più
This app demonstrates the following: Creating apps for small screens such as smartphones User-interface navigation with a top menu typically used on websites Dynamically hiding forms using card stacks to minimize the space required by the app Changing appearance by using different ... Per saperne di più
In this example, the micromechanical properties of a piezoelectric fiber composite are studied. The homogenized electromechanical properties of the composite are derived from the individual microscopic properties of matrix and fiber. Per saperne di più