Scopri come la simulazione multifisica viene utilizzata per ricerca e sviluppo
In questa sezione troverete i lavori presentati alle Conferenze mondiali COMSOL. Le presentazioni descrivono ricerche e prodotti innovativi progettati con COMSOL Multiphysics da colleghi di tutto il mondo. I temi delle ricerche presentate abbracciano un'ampia gamma di settori produttivi e aree applicative, in ambito elettrico, meccanico, fluidodinamico e chimico. Lo strumento di Ricerca Rapida vi permetterà di trovare le presentazioni che si riferiscono all'area di vostro interesse.
Visualizza gli articoli presentati alla COMSOL Conference 2020
A series of ferroelectric ceramic models with grain and grain-boundary structures of different sizes are established via Voronoi tessellations. The relation between the electric displacement and electric field and the hysteresis loop are calculated using a finite element method based on ... Per saperne di più
Prediction of freezing temperature field close to the segment is very important in artificial ground freezing project. Because of the effect of convection and heat conduction, there are a lot of factors in numerical simulation for these problems. If the length of freezing wall close to ... Per saperne di più
熔喷是工业上用于制备微米纤维非织造布的一种工艺方法。在熔喷过程中,高聚物熔体经过高速、高温气流的拉伸,在接受装置上固化结晶形成微米纤维非织造布。由于熔喷材料具有很高的比表面积,因而具备良好的过滤性、吸附性、隔离性,可用于过滤材料、隔离材料、吸纳材料、口罩材料等领域。熔喷材料的优异性能是基于熔喷纤维的微纳米级的尺度,降低纤维的直径有利于提高熔喷产品的性能。由于纤维的拉伸细化发生在气流场的运动过程中,因此对纤维运动的研究具有重要意义。本研究将高聚物与气流所形成的混合体系作为两相流来处理。我们采用Comsol multiphysics 的水平集方法对熔喷过程的高聚物 ... Per saperne di più
In this work, we design a type of meta-prism which can provide high-efficiency coupling between free space and optical waveguides at infrared frequencies. The meta-prism is composed of an ABA multilayer structure with a fixed total thickness. By varying the filling ratio of the ... Per saperne di più
In this work, we investigate the resonant properties of finite-sized membrane-mass-type elastic metamaterial thin plates. We find that the effective bending stiffness of such metamaterial thin plates can be controlled independently by the out-of-plane rotational resonances, so as to vary ... Per saperne di più
由于REBCO涂层高温超复合导带的一些特殊结构特征,带材中三层宽厚比极大的薄层(银层,超导层和缓冲层),在3D有限元分析中网格剖分数目大而且单元奇异性增大,进而导致计算量极大。为了有效解决由于REBCO超导带中各层在3D有限元模型网格划分和计算上带来的困难,并且尽可能精确构建带材真实结构。本文建立了高效的REBCO涂层超导带材的3D/2D混合维度有限元模型,即宽厚比极大的薄层采用2D薄膜单元其余采用3D实体单元;进一步,基于内聚力本构关系建立了REBCO涂层复合超导带材层间剥离失效和破坏问题的3D/2D混合维度有限元数值模型 ... Per saperne di più
电化学反应是一种典型界面过程,涉及电极界面处电荷转移和溶液中传质过程。近些年不断发展的超微电极以及基于超微电极的扫描电化学探针等现代电化学技术,因其扩散方式与传统平板电极一维模型不同,无法通过拉普拉斯变化给出数学解析,使动力学参数获取变得困难。借助于COMSOL多物理场的耦合功能,分别在溶液与电极界面应用Fick定律和Bulter-Volmer方程,可以获得精确的数值解,复杂电化学反应体系的动力学解析也成为可能。 课题组应用Transport of Diluted Species模块,构建3D几何模型,并分别对几何模型中的domain,boundaries进行数学描述 ... Per saperne di più
表面等离激元(SPPs)是一种在特定光激发下由金属自由电子振荡产生的沿金属与电介质界面传播的电磁波。作为光与物质相互作用的一种重要形式,SPPs在近场光学,表面增强光谱以及化学和生物传感等领域都有着广泛的应用。表面等离激元共振显微术(SPRM)利用全内反射的消逝场激发SPPs,在金属薄膜表面传播的SPPs与纳米粒子的散射波相互作用产生独特的波形图案。由于SPRM所具有的波形图案较为复杂,我们利用COMSOL Multiphysics的波动模块构建了计算模型对其进行仿真模拟,并应用于SPRM的单纳米粒子成像和纳米电化学领域的研究分析。 首先 ... Per saperne di più
As a key component of MEMS, microprocessor with high computing performances is facing with severe thermal challenge due to the increasing power density, miniaturization as well as higher operating temperature requirements, and thermal management in corresponding fields has become one of ... Per saperne di più
A computationally efficient nonlinear constitutive model is developed for magnetostrictive materials using energy minimisation and discrete-energy averaging techniques. Computational time was considerably reduced through a local linearization of the material response and subsequent ... Per saperne di più